Saturday, September 11, 2010


I posted this as my facebook status:

To the ones with fear, to the ones who didn't know, to the ones who saw it coming, to the ones who got away, to the ones who didn't, but most importantly, to the ones who bravely entered the buildings or crashes knowing there was a chance they wouldn't make it out-- you are not forgotten, and you are loved.

I never know exactly what to say about this day. There are so many emotions I feel and I didn't even know anyone in any of the crashes or resulting disasters. I feel pain for those who have lost someone, and pain for the loss of security ...we all have. I feel immense pride in the brave people who worked to free trapped victims, to provide relief, and those who became victims themselves in the process. I feel shame not knowing if I could have done the same.

Mostly, though, I think I feel fear that this day will become just another day that people forget about. I mean, how many people do you know who can, off the top of their heads, tell you which day Pearl Harbor's attack happened? They know what it is, and which war it happened with, but it's not usually the first thing to come to their mind when they hear the date.

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