Saturday, October 23, 2010

Speaking of babies.....

We want one. We want some. We want children badly. For those of you who think we don't deserve one because we'll instill bad values--with all due respect, go jump off a dock. You can have your beliefs and your prejudices, but they are wrong. I am going to be a great mother, and Julie is going to be a great mother, and we will both be mothers. There won't be a "mom" and an "aunt." We are going to have children of our own, and it will be soon. I won't be telling you right away, since it's something that I don't want you to have any part of ruining. There are some of you who ruin everything for me by telling me I'm doing it wrong, by telling me I'll mess things up, by telling me God sees me and is unhappy. Don't pretend you know what goes on in God's omniscient head.

Have you ever watched me or Julie with children? Have you ever seen the love in our eyes? Do you have any idea how much effort we will put into raising the most tender-hearted, educated, humor-appreciating, God-fearing children who will ever walk the planet? It's not like we intend to just "go get knocked up." We're doing this the right way. This child or children will have mothers who love them, and yes! FATHERS who love them! I want our children to have fathers. I know that might blow your mind, but I'm not some man-hating lesbian who thinks that men only ruin things. I think fathers are incredibly important and every child at some point will want to know who had a part in creating them--and I want our children to be able to know and love all of their parents.

So when I call you to tell you we're expecting, if you answer with anything other than "Congratulations!".... if you answer with a sigh, if you answer with a sarcastic "Well, that's great," ... if you answer with tears of unhappiness, you cannot reasonably expect to be a large part of our children's lives--because I don't want them to have to dread coming to see you, knowing how you judge our family. I don't want to drop them off to stay with you only to hear later the lies you've put into their heads. I can promise you that the first time you hurt them by telling them that their family is not a real family will be the last time you see them.

So, speaking of babies... we're going to have them, we're going to love them, and we're going to be prouder of them than anything else we've ever done in our lives.


  1. Julia,

    I hope that I'm on the list of people to receive a notification call. I can't WAIT for you to be mommies!!! I know that you will both be wonderful with your children, and you will each bring something amazing and valuable and unique to your children's lives. Even though you didnt' ask Luke to donate. . . haha. . . I hope you might still call on me for help and support you might need. Love you both!!!!! :)


  2. You can't imagine how happy this makes me! In thinking of you recently, I was sad not knowing what you might do about children, after your childcare experience, taking pictures of babies and knowing your love of children. You will both me great "moms" - when the time comes be sure to call us for a Congratulations!

    Aunt Michele in IL

  3. I am so looking forward to watching the 2 of you discover the intense love and joy that comes with being a parent. You are 2 truly remarkable individuals sharing a truly remarkable love, and I am looking forward to watching that grow as you add to your family.
    Love you both to the moon and back.

  4. Julia,
    No doubt in my mind that you and Julie will be great mothers! You both have a way with children. I have seen you sharing love with other peoples children and I can't wait to see you sharing your love with your own children. And if they are anything like their mothers, they will be reading before they are out of diapers!

    Whitney Ernst


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